
  • Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Stony Brook University (1998); Dissertation on Chronic Depression

  • Doctoral internship at the University of Washington Medical Center (1997-1998)

  • B.A. in Psychology from Yale University (1992)

Professional Career:

  • Licensed & certified to practice Clinical Psychology for over 22 years in Washington State

  • Member in good standing: American Psychological Association

  • Principal Scientist & Investigator for Habit Design, Inc.:  Identify, evaluate, and clinically test behavior-change techniques from leading behavioral scientists (e.g., Dr. Marty Seligman, Dr. Albert Bandura, et al. )

  • Founding team member: River Valley Psychological Services (the largest clinic of its kind in Washington State)

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor/Lecturer at the University of Washington (Tacoma), Pacific Lutheran University, Highline Community College, Green River Community College, and Suffolk Community College

  • Clinical Research Assistant: Serzone® drug efficacy trials, Stony Brook University (Dr. Daniel Klein)

  • Certified Custody Evaluator

  • Certified "Tiny Habits" Coach:  (Dr. BJ Fogg)

  • Trained in Neuropsychological Testing at Harborview Medical Center (Dr. J. Mark Davis, Director/Seattle), including but not limited to such tests as: Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale-III and IV, Weschler Memory Scale-III, portions of the Halstead Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery, Test of Multiple Malingering (TOMM), Dementia Ratings Scale, Boston Naming Test, Grooved Pegboard, National Adult Reading Test, Wide Range Achievement Test, Rey-Osterrith Figure Completion Test, Reitan-Indiana Aphasia Screening Test, and various cross-cultural neuropsychological tests.  

  • Research Assistant: Yale University Infant Cognitive Development Research Lab (Dr. Steven Resnick)


  • Kasch, K.L., Klein, D.N., & Lara, M.E. (in press).  A construct validation study of the response styles questionnaire rumination scale in participants with a recent-onset major depressive episode.  

  • Lara, M.E., Klein, D.N., & Kasch, K.L. (2001). Processes underlying maintenance of depression. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 109, 644-650.

  • Lara, M. E. & Klein, D. N.  (1999). Processes underlying the maintenance and persistence of depression: Implications for understanding chronic depression. Clinical Psychology Review, 19, 553-570

  • Lara, M. E., Leader, J., & Klein, D. N. (1997). The association between social support and course of depression: Is it confounded with personality?  Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 106, 478-482.     

  • Lara, M. E., Ferro, T., & Klein, D. N. (1997). Family history assessment of personality disorders: II. Association with measures of psychosocial functioning in direct evaluations with relatives. Journal of Personality Disorders, 11, 137-145.

Papers Presented:

  • Lara, M. E., Kasch, K. L., & Klein, D. N. (1999).  Rumination and prediction of depression persistence.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Toronto, Canada.

  • Lara, M. E., Kasch, K. L., DeSiano, M., & Klein, D. N. (1998).  Predictors of persistent depression.  Poster presented at     the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, DC.

  • Lara, M. E., Kasch, K. L., & Klein, D. N.  (1997).  Processes underlying persistent depression: Mediation of childhood adversity and 6 month course of depression by social support.  Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Palm Springs, CA.

  • Lara, M. E., Leader, J., & Klein, D. N. (1996). The effect of social support on course of depression.   Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Projects Underway:

  • Lara, M.E., Klein, D.N., Kasch, K.L., & DeSiano, M. The utility of college students as subjects in clinical assessment research.  Manuscript in progress.

  • Lara, M.E., Klein, D.N., Kasch, K.L., & DeSiano, M. A careful examination of Coyne’s depressive spiral and its impact on persistent depression. Manuscript in progress.


  • The Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship for Minorities, The Ford Foundation.  Academic year 1997 - 1998.

  • The Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship for Minorities, The Ford Foundation. Academic years 1993 - 1996.

  • The W. B. Burghardt Turner Fellowship, State University of New York at Stony Brook.  Academic years 1996 - 1997.

  • The W. B. Burghardt Turner Summer Fellowship, SUNY at Stony Brook. Summers, 1994 - 1997.

  • SUNY at Stony Brook Department of Psychology.  Summers, 1994 and 1995.

  • Minority Summer Research Exchange Fellowship, University of California at Los Angeles.  Summer, 1991.